Hainan - Visa FAQ for Entrepreneurs
Q: Where can I locate my office? What is the process
A: In the Hainan Resort Software Community (RSC) you can rent an incubator space in a world class environmentally sustainable office park. Your neighbors in the park will be famous IT companies from China and around the world such as Tencent and Xiaomi. The prices are around 1/5th of what you could expect to pay in Tier 1 cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, etc.
Q: Where would myself and my family live?
A: HSC Hainan can arrange low cost housing for the first year at an extremely attractive rate while you settle in. World class international schools, medical facilities, shopping, etc., are all within walking distance.
Q: What are the conditions of getting a visa based on setting up a business at RSC Hainan?
A: To establish a legal corporation in RSC, RSC shall review the personal qualification of entrepreneur (include educational background, business plan, etc.). Normally persons aged between 20-45 years old with minimum University certificate or Bachelor degree should be no problem. A higher education background will be an advantage; age limitation could also be extended for higher education talent). Assuming everything is in order, RSC will issue recommendation letter to Hainan Provincial Government. Once that is completed the foreign entrepreneur can upgrade their visa to a residence visa. (Immigration Office of Hainan PSB will issue the visa). They shall decide to issue a 1 year or 2 years or even longer, but first time issuance will not be more than 2 years. If the foreign entrepreneur renews a visa twice in Hainan and has no local criminal record, a 5-year residence visa will be given (RSC is currently working with Government to issue permanent residence visas in these cases).
Q: Where do they need to go to do the health exams required for foreigners when they review visas?
A: The health exams report for first entry must be issued by the overseas health medical institution which is recognized by Chinese embassies and consular offices, and the report is valid for a period of 6 months.
Q: Entry-Exit frequency. How many entries and exits to China are allowed on the work visa issued from Hainan?
A: There has no fixed requirement on entry-exit frequency, however, RSC may require a minimum stay for average at least one week per month in Hainan, which is equal to 3 months in Hainan per year minimum. RSC also reserve the right to cancel said visa if there is due cause.
Q: What type of visa is provided Z, F?
A: Z visa will be provided.
Q: How often must the person be in RSC Haikou (how many times a year, or how many days a year). What if they live in Beijing? Or the US, mainly?
A: Minimum period of time stay in Hainan is a must. The rest of time they can stay in Beijing, USA or elsewhere. RSC requires a minimum stay for average at least one week per month in Hainan, which is equal to 3 months in Hainan per year minimum. RSC also reserve the right to cancel said visa if there is due cause.
Q: Spouse Visa. How does my spouse obtain a work visa, so she can legally do work for my company?
A: Spouse and children over 18 years old can legally work in their own company if they qualify via normal Chinese conditions. Also, if the business owner obtains a work permit in China, his/her spouse, children can apply for residence visa.
Q: Child Visa. What about my child? Does my child need a visa? What international schooling and daycare is available for the child in RSC Haikou?
A: Spouse and children need visas as well (see above). Our accredited International Kindergarten is available for clients’ children right now, and our International School is under construction and will officially open in September 2019.
Q: Are spouse and child visas renewed on the same frequency as business owner? What is the duration of the spouse and child visa.
A: Visas are renewed on the same frequency as business owner, the same duration as well.
Q: Foreigners have to register at the local PSB(公安)when they choose a place to live. How will having a visa from Hainan complicate this process if the business owner lives mostly in Beijing or in the US (abroad)? Does the business owner have to prove residency in Hainan and if so how much does that cost?
A: Yes, a residency in Hainan needs to be proven, either renting or owning a living facility. This is a basic request for working permit and residence visa in China. Rental prices on Hainan are extremely reasonable. A new two-bedroom apartment often costs 1/5th or less compared with first tier cities in China