Company Set Up Costs in China
Typical fees for company set up, visa application and various ancillary services
with sample costs from unconfirmed parties on Taobao for reference only. FYI only these prices are the lowest in the market and using them comes with significant risk.
All necessary permits and stamps. Please check with your local province for their fee structure. In Hainan province, actual cost for the government fees totals 2,300 RMB for a WFOE (official government receipts will be issued). RTM Asia can have on the ground staff actually apply for, fill out all forms and do all the explaining and running around to obtain aforementioned stamps for 1,500 RMB. Fees can be significantly higher elsewhere.
Company set up and processing for WFOEs. From 4,000 RMB to 20,000 RMB per WFOE depending on place of registration, scope of business, structure, etc. Time required: 3 or more months. Working through RTM Asia for WFOE set up in Hainan is significantly faster than in other provinces. With RTM Asia in Hainan the typical turnaround time is one week. For normal cases, RTM Asia charges 8,000 RMB for this service.
Visa processing for Foreigners. From 6,500 RMB to 15,000 RMB per person depending on qualifications, background, home country, etc. Time required: varies widely but typically, 2 to 4 months. Working through RTM Asia for work visa issuance in Hainan is significantly faster than in other provinces. RTM Asia in Hainan the typical turnaround time is ten business days. For normal cases, RTM Asia charges 7,500 RMB per visa for this service. Also with RTM Asia in Hainan, the term of the work visa obtainable is usually 2 years versus 1 year elsewhere.
Office Space. Dedicated office spaced (not those famous shared office spaces) is an absolute requirement and in 2017 there were widespread crackdowns on Chinese and Foreign companies alike. Cost varies due to city, building, whether you are actually going to show up daily and need a place to sit, meeting room requirements and a myriad of other options. Economical options range from 3,600 RMB per employee per month to 20,000 RMB. Most locations make you pay 1 year or more in advance. In RSC Haikou RTM Asia can provide with office space for as little as 1250 RMB per employee, per month. Payment must be for 1 year in advance.
Accounting & Tax Filing Services. Across China the most basic accounting and tax filing services can be obtained for as little as 500 RMB per month but these companies are more than often very unreliable and unprofessional. You get what you pay for. Obviously, the employee size and number of monthly transactions will impact the quoted price. RTM Asia can provide you with the basic service required for most small companies (10 or less employees) for 2,500 RMB per month, payable one year in advance.